ZIP: 226 Title: Transfer and Burn of Zcash Shielded Assets Owners: Pablo Kogan <> Vivek Arte <> Daira-Emma Hopwood <> Jack Grigg <> Credits: Daniel Benarroch Aurelien Nicolas Deirdre Connolly Teor Status: Draft Category: Consensus Created: 2022-05-01 License: MIT Discussions-To: <> Pull-Request: <>
The key word "MUST" in this document is to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 1 when, and only when, it appears in all capitals.
The term "network upgrade" in this document is to be interpreted as described in ZIP 200 2.
The terms "Orchard" and "Action" in this document are to be interpreted as described in ZIP 224 4.
The terms "Asset", "Custom Asset" and "Wrapped Asset" in this document are to be interpreted as described in ZIP 227 5.
We define the following additional terms:
This ZIP (ZIP 226) proposes the Zcash Shielded Assets (ZSA) protocol, in conjunction with ZIP 227 5. The ZSA protocol is an extension of the Orchard protocol that enables the issuance, transfer and burn of custom Assets on the Zcash chain. The issuance of such Assets is defined in ZIP 227 5, while the transfer and burn of such Assets is defined in this ZIP (ZIP 226). While the proposed ZSA protocol is a modification to the Orchard protocol, it has been designed with adaptation to possible future shielded protocols in mind.
None of the currently deployed Zcash transfer protocols support Custom Assets. Enabling multi-asset support on the Zcash chain will open the door for a host of applications, and enhance the ecosystem with application developers and Asset custody institutions for issuance and bridging purposes. This ZIP builds on the issuance mechanism introduced in ZIP 227 5.
In order to be able to represent different Assets, we need to define a data field that uniquely represents the Asset in question, which we call the Asset Identifier
The Asset Identifier (via means of the Asset Digest and Asset Base) will be used to enforce that the balance of an Action Description 15 28 is preserved across Assets (see the Orchard Binding Signature 18), and by extension the balance of an Orchard transaction. That is, the sum of all the
As was initially proposed by Jack Grigg and Daira-Emma Hopwood 29 30, we propose to make this happen by changing the value base point,
Because in a single transaction all value commitments are balanced, there must be as many different value base points as there are Asset Identifiers for a given shielded protocol used in a transaction. We propose to make the Asset Base an auxiliary input to the proof for each Action statement 20, represented already as a point on the Pallas curve. The circuit then should check that the same Asset Base is used in the old note commitment and the new note commitment 25, and as the base point in the value commitment 24. This ensures (1) that the input and output notes are of the same Asset Base, and (2) that only Actions with the same Asset Base will balance out in the Orchard binding signature.
In order to ensure the security of the transfers, and as we will explain below, we are redefining input dummy notes 17 for Custom Assets, as we need to enforce that the
We include the ability to pause the ZSA functionality, via a
Finally, in this ZIP we also describe the burn mechanism, which is a direct extension of the transfer mechanism. The burn process uses a similar mechanism to what is used in Orchard to unshield ZEC, by using the
Most of the protocol is kept the same as the Orchard protocol released with NU5, except for the following.
For every new Asset, there must be a new and unique Asset Identifier. Every Asset is defined by an Asset description,
This Asset Base will be the base point of the value commitment for the specific Custom Asset. Note that the Asset Base of the ZEC Asset will be kept as the original value base point,
In future network and protocol upgrades, the same Asset description string can be carried on, potentially mapping into a different shielded pool. In that case, nodes should know how to transform the Asset Identifier, the Asset Digest, and the Asset Base from one shielded pool to another, while ensuring there are no balance violations 3.
An Orchard ZSA note differs from an Orchard note 14 by additionally including the Asset Base,
Note that the above assumes a canonical encoding, which is true for the Pallas group, but may not hold for future shielded protocols.
We define the note commitment scheme
Note that
The nullifier is generated in the same manner as in the Orchard protocol 19.
The ZSA note plaintext also includes the Asset Base in addition to the components in the Orchard note plaintext 27. It consists of
In the ZSA protocol, the instance of the note commitment scheme,
The note commitment output is still indistinguishable from the original Orchard ZEC note commitments, by definition of the Sinsemilla hash function 23. ZSA note commitments will therefore be added to the same Orchard Note Commitment Tree. In essence, we have:
This definition can be viewed as a generalization of the Orchard note commitment, and will allow maintaining a single commitment instance for the note commitment, which will be used both for pre-ZSA Orchard and ZSA notes.
In the case of the Orchard-based ZSA protocol, the value of different Asset Identifiers in a given transaction will be committed using a different value base point. The value commitment becomes:
For ZEC, we define
The Orchard Protocol uses a Homomorphic Pedersen Commitment 24 to perform the value commitment, with fixed base points
The use of different value base points for different Assets enables the final balance of the transaction to be securely computed, such that each Asset Identifier is balanced independently, which is required as different Assets are not meant to be mutually fungible.
The burn mechanism is a transparent extension to the transfer protocol that enables a specific amount of any Asset Identifier to be "destroyed". The burn mechanism does NOT send Assets to a non-spendable address, it simply reduces the total number of units of a given Custom Asset in circulation at the consensus level. It is enforced at the consensus level, by using an extension of the value balance mechanism used for ZEC Assets. Burning makes it globally provable that a given amount of an Asset has been destroyed.
The sender includes a
For every Custom Asset that is burnt, we add to the
We denote by
Note: Even if this mechanism allows having transparent ↔ shielded Asset transfers in theory, the transparent protocol will not be changed with this ZIP to adapt to a multiple Asset structure. This means that unless future consensus rules changes do allow it, unshielding will not be possible for Custom Assets.
In order to verify the balance of the different Assets, the verifier MUST perform a similar process as for the Orchard protocol 18, with the addition of the burn information.
For a total of
The verifier MUST compute the value balance verification equation:
After computing
We assume
The right hand side of the value balance verification equation can be expanded to:
This equation contains the balance check of the Orchard protocol 18. With ZSA, transfer Actions for Custom Assets must also be balanced across Asset Bases. All Custom Assets are contained within the shielded pool, and cannot be unshielded via a regular transfer. Custom Assets can be burnt, the mechanism for which reveals the amount and identifier of the Asset being burnt, within the
When the Asset is not being burnt, the net balance of the input and output values is zero, and there will be no addition to the
As in the Orchard protocol, the binding signature verification key,
A Split Input is a copy of a previously issued input note (that is, a note that has previously been included in the Merkle tree), with the following changes:
Input notes are sometimes split in two (or more) output notes, as in most cases, not all the value in a single note is sent to a single output.
When the number of input notes of a particular Asset Base is smaller than the required number of output notes for the same Asset Base, the sender creates Split Inputs of the same Asset Base as padding for the input-less Actions. Note that we do not care about whether the previously issued note copied to create a Split Input is owned by the sender, or whether it was nullified before.
Wallets and other clients have to choose from the following to ensure the Asset Base is preserved for the output note of a Split Action:
For Split Notes, the nullifier is generated as follows:
In the Orchard protocol, since each Action represents an input and an output, the transaction that wants to send one input to multiple outputs must have multiple inputs. The Orchard protocol gives dummy spend notes 17 to the Actions that have not been assigned input notes.
The Orchard technique requires modification for the ZSA protocol with multiple Asset Identifiers, as the output note of the split Actions cannot contain just any Asset Base. We must enforce it to be an actual output of a GroupHash computation (in fact, we want it to be of the same Asset Base as the original input note, but the binding signature takes care that the proper balancing is performed). Without this enforcement the prover could input a multiple (or linear combination) of an existing Asset Base, and thereby attack the network by overflowing the ZEC value balance and hence counterfeiting ZEC funds.
Therefore, for Custom Assets we enforce that every input note to an ZSA Action must be proven to exist in the set of note commitments in the note commitment tree. We then enforce this real note to be “unspendable” in the sense that its value will be zeroed in split Actions and the nullifier will be randomized, making the note not spendable in the specific Action. Then, the proof itself ensures that the output note is of the same Asset Base as the input note. In the circuit, the split note functionality will be activated by a boolean private input to the proof (aka the
Note that the Orchard dummy note functionality remains in use for ZEC notes, and the Split Input technique is used in order to support Custom Assets.
Every ZSA Action statement is closely similar to the Orchard Action statement 20, except for a few additions that ensure the security of the Asset Identifier system. We detail these changes below.
All modifications in the Circuit are detailed in 31.
The following constraints must be added to ensure that the input and output note are of the same
To make the evaluation of the note commitment easier, we add a boolean
The following constraints must be added to disable transactions involving Custom Assets when the
The following constraints must be added to ensure that the value commitment is computed using the witnessed Asset Base:
Senders must not be able to change the Asset Base for the output note in a Split Action. We do this via the following constraints:
The input note in the old note commitment integrity check must either include an Asset Base (ZSA note) or not (pre-ZSA Orchard note). If the note is a pre-ZSA Orchard note, the note commitment is computed in the original Orchard fashion 16. If the note is a ZSA note, the note commitment is computed as defined in the Note Structure & Commitment section.
The transaction format for v6 transactions is described in ZIP 230 10.
The transaction digest algorithm defined in ZIP 244 11 is modified by the ZSA protocol to add a new branch for issuance information, along with modifications within the orchard_digest
to account for the inclusion of the Asset Base. The details of these changes are described in this section, and highlighted using the [UPDATED FOR ZSA]
text label. We omit the details of the sections that do not change for the ZSA protocol.
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values
T.1: header_digest (32-byte hash output) T.2: transparent_digest (32-byte hash output) T.3: sapling_digest (32-byte hash output) T.4: orchard_digest (32-byte hash output) [UPDATED FOR ZSA] T.5: issuance_digest (32-byte hash output) [ADDED FOR ZSA]
The personalization field remains the same as in ZIP 244 11.
When Orchard Actions are present in the transaction, this digest is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the following values
T.4a: orchard_actions_compact_digest (32-byte hash output) [UPDATED FOR ZSA] T.4b: orchard_actions_memos_digest (32-byte hash output) [UPDATED FOR ZSA] T.4c: orchard_actions_noncompact_digest (32-byte hash output) [UPDATED FOR ZSA] T.4d: flagsOrchard (1 byte) T.4e: valueBalanceOrchard (64-bit signed little-endian) T.4f: anchorOrchard (32 bytes)
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the subset of Orchard Action information intended to be included in an updated version of the ZIP-307 12 CompactBlock
format for all Orchard Actions belonging to the transaction. For each Action, the following elements are included in the hash:
T.4a.i : nullifier (field encoding bytes) T.4a.ii : cmx (field encoding bytes) T.4a.iii: ephemeralKey (field encoding bytes) T.4a.iv : encCiphertext[..84] (First 84 bytes of field encoding) [UPDATED FOR ZSA]
The personalization field of this hash is the same as in ZIP 244:
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the subset of Orchard shielded memo field data for all Orchard Actions belonging to the transaction. For each Action, the following elements are included in the hash:
T.4b.i: encCiphertext[84..596] (contents of the encrypted memo field) [UPDATED FOR ZSA]
The personalization field of this hash remains identical to ZIP 244:
A BLAKE2b-256 hash of the remaining subset of Orchard Action information not intended for inclusion in an updated version of the the ZIP 307 12 CompactBlock
format, for all Orchard Actions belonging to the transaction. For each Action, the following elements are included in the hash:
T.4d.i : cv (field encoding bytes) T.4d.ii : rk (field encoding bytes) T.4d.iii: encCiphertext[596..] (post-memo suffix of field encoding) [UPDATED FOR ZSA] T.4d.iv : outCiphertext (field encoding bytes)
The personalization field of this hash is defined identically to ZIP 244:
The details of the computation of this value are in ZIP 227 7.
The fee mechanism for the upgrades proposed in this ZIP will follow the mechanism described in ZIP 317 for the ZSA protocol upgrade 13.
In order to have backward compatibility with the ZEC notes, we have designed the circuit to support both ZEC and ZSA notes. As we specify above, there are three main reasons we can do this:
The Zcash Shielded Assets protocol will be deployed in a subsequent Network Upgrade.
1 | Information on BCP 14 — "RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" and "RFC 8174: Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words" |
2 | ZIP 200: Network Upgrade Mechanism |
3 | ZIP 209: Prohibit Negative Shielded Chain Value Pool Balances |
4 | ZIP 224: Orchard |
5 | ZIP 227: Issuance of Zcash Shielded Assets |
6 | ZIP 227: Issuance of Zcash Shielded Assets: Specification: Asset Identifier |
7 | ZIP 227: Issuance of Zcash Shielded Assets: TxId Digest - Issuance |
8 | ZIP 227: Issuance of Zcash Shielded Assets: Signature Digest |
9 | ZIP 227: Issuance of Zcash Shielded Assets: Authorizing Data Commitment |
10 | ZIP 230: Version 6 Transaction Format |
11 | ZIP 244: Transaction Identifier Non-Malleability |
12 | ZIP 307: Light Client Protocol for Payment Detection |
13 | ZIP 317: Proportional Transfer Fee Mechanism - Pull Request #667 for ZSA Protocol ZIPs |
14 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 3.2: Notes |
15 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 3.7: Action Transfers and their Descriptions |
16 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 4.1.8: Commitment |
17 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 4.8.3: Dummy Notes (Orchard) |
18 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 4.14: Balance and Binding Signature (Orchard) |
19 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 4.16: Note Commitments and Nullifiers |
20 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 4.17.4: Action Statement (Orchard) |
21 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 5.1: Integers, Bit Sequences, and Endianness |
22 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 5.3: Constants |
23 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section Sinsemilla hash function |
24 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section Homomorphic Pedersen commitments (Sapling and Orchard) |
25 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section Sinsemilla commitments |
26 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section Pallas and Vesta |
27 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 5.5: Encodings of Note Plaintexts and Memo Fields |
28 | Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2023.4.0. Section 7.5: Action Description Encoding and Consensus |
29 | User-Defined Assets and Wrapped Assets |
30 | Comment on Generalized Value Commitments |
31 | Modifications to the Orchard circuit for the ZSA Protocol |